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ESG Controversies Screening

Home > ESG Data & Solutions > ESG Screening Solutions > ESG Controversies Screening

Discover ESG Controversies that matter using Inrate’s detailed controversies research. Inrate collects controversies in real time and conducts an impact-oriented assessment of each datapoint to deliver a clear picture of material ESG risks within your portfolio.

Navigate ESG Risks with Inrate’s ESG Controversies Scores

Inrate helps institutional investors cut through the noise by assessing and quantifying the severity of controversies and providing granular assessment scores.

Assessment Across Multiple Impact-Oriented Parameters

Parameters Assessed

  • Stakeholders affected
  • Durability of consequences
  • Assessment of impact
  • Level of involvement
  • Causes of event
  • Scale of impact
  • Event credibility
  • Size dependence
  • Corrective action

Experience the Benefits of Streamlined Controversies Data

Identify truly material controversies

using scores that indicate the severity of each controversial newsfeed

Receive detailed insights on each controversial event

such as convictions, sanctions, penalties, etc.

Discover severity of controversies across ESG themes

such as biodiversity, business ethics, and labor conditions

Why Inrate

Impact Lens

Inrate has balanced financial materiality with impact well before 'double materiality' gained prominance in European Capital Markets. The impact of a company's business activities has stood at the core of Inrate's assessments, overcoming the biases created by disclosures.

Flexible Data Models

Inrate’s research can be customized to develop comprehensive datasets based on the client’s investment objectives and evolving regulatory requirements. This unmatched customization utilizes meticulous research on the impact of business activities, corporate sustainability disclosures, and ESG controversies.

Dedicated Client Support

Inrate operates as a ‘glass box’ with an unparalleled commitment to transparency and communication. We deliver unequivocal support from our long-standing team of research analysts, providing insights from our extensive research and subject matter expertise.

Regulatory Alignments

Inrate’s datalake evolves in tandem with new regulatory frameworks, consistently empowering clients to uncover their portfolio’s regulatory conformity. Our datasets promise relevance and materiality with the evolving sustainability market.