ESG Impact Ratings for Sovereigns & Sub-Sovereigns

Coverage of sovereigns and sub-sovereigns supports investors to evaluate sustainability performance beyond corporate-issued securities. Investors can evaluate sovereign securities based on topics such as press freedom, UN sanctions, EU Embargos, etc.
inrate esg impact rating for sovereigns
inrate sovereigns ratings

Empowering Sustainable Investment: Sovereign Ratings

Our Sovereign Ratings serve as the bedrock for banks and fund providers, empowering them to craft transparent and sustainable government bond funds, whether they opt for exclusion criteria or not.

Unlock the potential of sustainable investments with Inrate’s ESG Sovereign Ratings.

By defining rules, enacting laws, and implementing policy guidelines, states create a framework that either promotes or impedes sustainable development. Through this framework, states are able to influence companies’ and society’s behavior both domestically and globally. For this reason, states play a crucial role in shaping sustainable development. Inrate’s country ratings provide Asset Managers and Asset Owners with an assessment of policies implemented by states about sustainable development.

Inrate has therefore developed a specific method to evaluate all countries  globally in the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) dimensions. In addition, a specific set of exclusion criteria is available for states, which allows for the exclusion of countries that do not meet certain minimum governance standards.

Empowering Sustainability at Subnational Levels

At Inrate, we recognize the pivotal role subnationals, encompassing provinces, states, municipalities, and territories, play in the tapestry of sustainable development. That’s precisely why they are integral to our ESG Impact Ratings for Sovereigns.

Subnationals often hold a plethora of competencies, spanning vital domains like spatial planning, education, and healthcare. They wield significant influence and autonomy in implementing national-level legislation.

Our rating methodology is finely tuned to accommodate the unique functions and roles of subnationals when compared to their national counterparts.

sovereigns ratings