Compliance Data

The EU has introduced several sustainable finance regulations, including the EU Taxonomy Regulation, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), and the EU Benchmark Regulation. These regulations are the basis of Inrate’s ESG compliance data. In Switzerland, increasing voluntary regulations also lead to further ESG compliance data requirements. Our comprehensive ESG regulatory compliance data provide the necessary input for our clients to comply with these regulations. 

The data comprise the following:
  • Comprehensive ESG data allow clients to select relevant indicators to screen for sustainable investments and provide reports in the context of SFDR.
  • EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR): Principle adverse impact (PAI) indicators (according to Art. 7 of the regulation) for listed equities, corporate, and sovereign bonds. Climate data is provided as reported by companies and as estimated based on our climate impact model. The product can be enhanced with helpful supplementary information.EU Benchmark Regulation (BMR): ESG factors (according to Art. 2 of the regulation) for sovereigns.
  • EU Taxonomy Regulation:
    The reported dataset of Turnover, CapEx, and OpEx Taxonomy aligns with the climate mitigation and climate adaptation for companies falling under the CSRD reporting requirements. Estimation of taxonomy alignment with the climate mitigation objective for Inrate’s complete coverage.
  • Swiss Climate Scores: GHG emission data, modeled and reported. Exposure to the fossil fuel sector, short and long-term climate targets of companies, and climate alignment metric are in progress.