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Impact Ratings Public Companies

Home > ESG Impact Ratings > Impact Ratings Public Companies

Align with leading sustainability regulations and discover the true impact of your portfolio, using ESG impact ratings that go beyond corporate disclosures. Deep dive into ratings that evaluate the impact of business activities across their entire life cycle and assess the environmental and social externalities of a company’s business activities.

A young child holding a globe, symbolizing the impact of ESG ratings on public companies.

Inrate’s ESG Corporate Ratings: Robust Methodology for Reliable Results

Inrate’s ratings focus on impact – the ESG perspective that has proliferated in the market due to leading regulatory frameworks such as the CSRD, SFDR, and the EU Taxonomy. We assess impact using three modules across 700+ indicators to deliver a holistic view, unbiased by corporate disclosures.

Components of Inrate’s Impact Ratings

Business Activity Impact

Thorough impact assessment of revenue-generating business activities

Corporate Disclosures Assessment

Rigorous assessment of a company’s procedures and policies based on disclosed data

ESG Controversies

Detailed impact-oriented ESG controversy analysis

Sustainability insights from our extensive research are available to you as comparable and objective ratings across 99% of the global listed market capitalization

Unlock the Benefits of Inrate's ESG Ratings for Public Companies

An abstract digital face composed of fragmented geometric shapes, representing advanced ESG ratings.

Discover ratings ahead of the regulatory curve

Inrate’s ratings incorporated impact materiality before the EU’s double materiality made its wave in the market. Our ratings are focused on assessing real impact and thereby align with the expectations of regulations such as the EU Taxonomy, CSRD, SFDR, and EU Green Bonds Standards.

Combat Greenwashing

Inrate's methodology delves deeper than sustainability disclosures. We combine a data-driven analysis of their real-world impact along with a rigorous assessment of a company's sustainability policies and procedures, empowering investors to avoid securities engaged in greenwashing.

Combat Greenwashing - Inratre
Inrate’s ratings are based on uncovering real impact, unbiased by corporate disclosures

Uncover Hidden Portfolio Impacts

Inrate’s ratings are based on uncovering real impact, unbiased by corporate disclosures. With its multidimensional assessment methodology relying on alternative data sources and proprietary assessment models, Inrate uncovers impact dimensions that are otherwise hidden in your portfolio.

Why Inrate

Impact Lens

Inrate has balanced financial materiality with impact well before 'double materiality' gained prominance in European Capital Markets. The impact of a company's business activities has stood at the core of Inrate's assessments, overcoming the biases created by disclosures.

Flexible Data Models

Inrate’s research can be customized to develop comprehensive datasets based on the client’s investment objectives and evolving regulatory requirements. This unmatched customization utilizes meticulous research on the impact of business activities, corporate sustainability disclosures, and ESG controversies.

Dedicated Client Support

Inrate operates as a ‘glass box’ with an unparalleled commitment to transparency and communication. We deliver unequivocal support from our long-standing team of research analysts, providing insights from our extensive research and subject matter expertise.

Regulatory Alignments

Inrate’s datalake evolves in tandem with new regulatory frameworks, consistently empowering clients to uncover their portfolio’s regulatory conformity. Our datasets promise relevance and materiality with the evolving sustainability market.