Gain insight into whether a company contributes negatively or positively to each United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG). Inrate’s assessment of SDG contribution surpasses the industry standard with a greater focus on the impact that arises from a company’s business activities than on sustainability disclosures found in corporate reports.

Inrate’s SDG Impact Assessment is based on Multidimensional Impact Research that goes Beyond Corporate Disclosures.
SDG Contribution of Business Activities (67%)
Assessment of the positive or negative contribution of a company’s business activities to each UNSDG

Company ESG Impact (33%)
- Impact of a company’s business activities on the environment and society
- Insights from corporate sustainability disclosures
- Assessment of real-time ESG controversies

Assessment of positive or negative contribution to all 17 UNSDGs

Harness Inrate’s Impact Specialty with SDG Impact Scores

Determine real over reported SDG impact
using our analysis that looks beyond self-reported data and determines the sustainability impact of corporate business activities on each SDG
Gain insight into the degree of contribution to each SDG
using a scale that considers very negative, negative, neutral, positive, and very positive contribution to each SDG
Incorporate EU’s DNSH principle
with an SDG analysis that considers the overall sustainability impact of companies into each SDG contribution score
Why Inrate
Impact Lens
Inrate has balanced financial materiality with impact well before 'double materiality' gained prominance in European Capital Markets. The impact of a company's business activities has stood at the core of Inrate's assessments, overcoming the biases created by disclosures.
Flexible Data Models
Inrate’s research can be customized to develop comprehensive datasets based on the client’s investment objectives and evolving regulatory requirements. This unmatched customization utilizes meticulous research on the impact of business activities, corporate sustainability disclosures, and ESG controversies.
Dedicated Client Support
Inrate operates as a ‘glass box’ with an unparalleled commitment to transparency and communication. We deliver unequivocal support from our long-standing team of research analysts, providing insights from our extensive research and subject matter expertise.
Regulatory Alignments
Inrate’s datalake evolves in tandem with new regulatory frameworks, consistently empowering clients to uncover their portfolio’s regulatory conformity. Our datasets promise relevance and materiality with the evolving sustainability market.