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Voting Recommendations

As a transparent Proxy Advisor, we publish the date of the upcoming general meeting in advance and the short version of our voting recommendations on the day of the general meeting. You can find the list below:

Disclaimer: Inrate believes that the above data and ratings reflect the most informed and fair opinion that can be provided by third-party analysts. However, Inrate cannot in any way guarantee the complete accuracy or completeness of the analyzes and therefore cannot accept any responsibility in the event that incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information is provided. Inrate assumes no liability for financial disadvantages resulting from the inaccuracy of estimates or data or from misinterpretation. The above ratings and data are offered by Inrate for informational purposes or for use by financial professionals. They are in no way recommendations to invest or disinvest in any financial product. They should not be construed as a financial forecast of the financial performance of the underlying securities of the companies examined.