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ESG Active Ownership

Home > ESG Active Ownership

Demonstrate a robust and holistic approach to ESG Stewardship and drive long-term value creation in portfolio companies using Inrate’s Active Ownership services. Our services combine proactive ESG engagement with portfolio companies and end-to-end proxy voting solutions, enabling clients to fulfill regulatory requirements and propel positive ESG impact.

A daisy growing through a crack in the pavement, symbolizing resilience and perseverance - Inrate ESG Active Ownership

Inrate’s Stewardship Services

Active ownership allows institutional investors to be active stewards of their investments, influencing positive environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices at portfolio companies. Inrate’s comprehensive ESG Stewardship Services provides proxy-voting and ESG engagement services via one online platform, so that institutional investors can seamlessly drive, track, and report on the progress of portfolio companies.

Features of ESG Active Ownership

Align with Regulatory Frameworks and the Swiss Stewardship Code

through goal-oriented ESG engagement services and end-to-end proxy voting services

Seamlessly Track Your ESG Performance

with Inrate’s proprietary tool, updated real-time to reflect the entire ESG progress

Effortlessly Demonstrate Responsible Ownership

through customizable reports at the end of every engagement and proxy voting cycle

Gain Insights from Top ESG Specialists

to select material ESG topics for active engagement and collaborate on proxy voting decisions

Our Offerings

Proxy Voting

Drive the long-term interests of shareholders and their owned companies. Inrate’s Proxy Voting Services support active owners in exercising their shareholder rights through a transparent and collaborative proxy voting process, with tools that make tracking and reporting a breeze.

ESG Engagement

Address unmanaged material ESG issues and align with responsible investment expectations set by increasing regulatory and market pressure. Inrate’s ESG engagement process takes on the work and delivers you the results by engaging with target companies on material ESG issues, tracking the progress, and enabling you to easily report on your ESG engagement progress.

Why Inrate

Impact Lens

Inrate has balanced financial materiality with impact well before 'double materiality' gained prominance in European Capital Markets. The impact of a company's business activities has stood at the core of Inrate's assessments, overcoming the biases created by disclosures.

Flexible Data Models

Inrate’s research can be customized to develop comprehensive datasets based on the client’s investment objectives and evolving regulatory requirements. This unmatched customization utilizes meticulous research on the impact of business activities, corporate sustainability disclosures, and ESG controversies.

Dedicated Client Support

Inrate operates as a ‘glass box’ with an unparalleled commitment to transparency and communication. We deliver unequivocal support from our long-standing team of research analysts, providing insights from our extensive research and subject matter expertise.

Regulatory Alignments

Inrate’s datalake evolves in tandem with new regulatory frameworks, consistently empowering clients to uncover their portfolio’s regulatory conformity. Our datasets promise relevance and materiality with the evolving sustainability market.