New features in our client web platform

Dec 29, 2022

Insights into Inside

We have recently upgraded Inside, our client web platform, with several new features.

Beyond our ESG Impact Ratings, short and long company reports, our clients can now have access to all data included in the 3 components of our ESG Impact Ratings assessment i.e.

Product assessment: Over 400 activities and sub-activities are listed. They are key and the basis for measuring the impact of those respective activities on Environment and Society along the entire value chain. We provide the companies’ activities split, in percentage of total revenues.
CSR Assessment: Core Indicators used for the CSR assessment (Up to 150 indicators depending on sector and based on 400 features) are now also available with extensive data. Our CSR assessment analyzes whether or not companies have effective management systems in place.
Controversial business practices: 48 Controversy Indicators as well as summaries are on hand. We assess controversial business practices using 38 criteria for corporates and 10 for Sovereigns. These cover topics such as working conditions, society, the environment, business ethics, products & services and governance and for Sovereigns for instance death penalty, UN sanctions or press freedom.
As for all our features a dedicated API is included, and data selection can be individually purchased and configured.

Reach out if you want to learn more or get a trial access: