EU Compliance Data Set

Jul 11, 2022

Indicator data for SFDR and BMR

Companies have to meet various new disclosure requirements with the enactment of several EU regulations related to sustainable finance. The EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) requires disclosures for financial products and specifically funds. This includes so-called “principle adverse impact” indicators. Inrate offers comprehensive datasets for these indicators covering companies and sovereigns.
The EU Benchmarking Regulation (BMR) requires benchmark providers to also disclose so-called “sustainability-related” indicators. For this data, Inrate currently offers the complete sovereign-related indicators as well as part of the company-related indicators.

In the near future, further transparency requirements will come into force through the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This new regulation will expand current sustainability-related disclosure regulations. It specifically requires companies to report the data required for the above-mentioned regulations. Thus, data availability will further increase with the CSRD.

EU Taxonomy Alignment

The EU Taxonomy Regulation defines which companies’ economic activities can be considered environmentally sustainable. This provides the basis for calculating the share of investments in environmentally sustainable economic activities selected for a financial product. Inrate provides estimations of the share of companies’ alignment to the climate change mitigation objective for our complete coverage. Our EU Taxonomy data is currently further expanded based on the increasing availability of reported data.

What Inrate has to offer

Our EU compliance data sets include in total more than 60 indicators for an increasing part of our coverage. These data sets supplement Inrate’s existing data on ESG indicators. Inrate has many years of experience and expertise in measuring positive and negative impacts of corporate and governmental activities on environment and society